Saturday, June 6, 2020

Things Cucks Hear Their Wive's Say

Waiting out the pandemic so I can hook up with a very hot and sexy middle aged professional married woman (Madame X), she's given me a little bit of fodder for the blog.

She seems to be what many betas might call a "Dream Cuckoldress" the way she treats her "hubwife!"

Anyhow, she sent me some memes for the blog....

How many will know?   Do I have a say?

I have no intention of "taking" anyone away from their cuckolds.  However, I'm also willing to accept an "offer."

I like this one the best.  I really look forward to seeing how small "hubwife" is!



  1. The truth always comes out from a wife in the end. sara


The Couple That xxxxs Together....

My lover and I don't always let the cuck watch or participate in our sex play.  And sometimes the sissy's participation is rather su...