Monday, May 4, 2020

Sheltering in Place

This cute meme from the Under Contract to my Wife blog:

It wouldn't be so bad if it's average, but many cuckolds are below average and smaller.

Even though men with larger equipment aren't available during the pandemic (don't trust any that are willing to hook up), don't just settle for something that could only make things more frustrating for you.

There are plenty of sex toys available to be had.  Make in investment into your sexual and emotional health.  And find some creative ways to use them.

More than one wife has confided in me that head harnesses work pretty well.


1 comment:

  1. Agreed. I'm tired of facesitting. Hubby's cock is small and spews quickly. Thank goodness for toys. I enjoy your blog.


The Couple That xxxxs Together....

My lover and I don't always let the cuck watch or participate in our sex play.  And sometimes the sissy's participation is rather su...