Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Triad Relationships

My favorite cuckold relationship is basically a triad.  It's one where each member of the relationship has their specific purpose. 

The Alpha Male (I hate being referred to as a Bull - I'm not an animal) is primarily to please the woman in away the beta male in the relationship cannot.  It's simply not in his genes, his DNA or his personality.  By taking control of the relationship, the Alpha provides pleasure to both the woman and the beta.

The wife's primary purpose is to please the Alpha Male.  She derives sexual pleasure by doing just that.  She can, if she so chooses, exert varying levels of dominance over her beta husband while remaining submissive in some ways to the Alpha.  The wife shares the responsibility of sexual service to the Alpha with the beta.

At the bottom of the triad is the beta husband.  I don't use the term "bottom" here in not necessarily a derogatory way.  It is simply the position where the beta belongs and would willing admit.  He serves both the Alpha and his wife in the ways they want.   The beta is obedient to a fault, always deferring to the superior male in the relationship.

This arrangement draws the wife and her cuckold husband emotionally closer.  Sharing a common purpose and collaborating to please the Alpha helps improve the marriage.

The reason?  The pressure of having to perform sexually in a way they simply cannot is removed, freeing them of typical masculine responsibilities.  In turn, the wife now enjoys satisfying sex with the Alpha.  Both are happier.



  1. Karl, you're absolutely right, this is the best type of cuckold relationship. One with a clear Alpha Male who provides leadership to the married woman and her submissive, beta husband.

  2. Thank You. This clarifies things in a very nice way. We each have our roles. And being relieved of having to please our wives truly is a relief. All are happier! cd sara (elise)


The Couple That xxxxs Together....

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